Top Product Survey Questions You Should Be Asking Your Customers

Surveys are a quick and easy method of engaging your audience in an open, honest conversation about their experience with your product and what more they expect from it. However, structuring your survey correctly and figuring out what to ask your customers can often be an overwhelming challenge. Well, we are here to help! Presenting […]

Different Types of Personas in Product Management

Businesses create products to address specific issues faced by distinct demographics in particular spheres of life. In-depth knowledge of these groups’ motivations, difficulties, aspirations, and self-perceptions are important. It is also necessary to know what messages these groups find convincing. Organizations that create and deliver products without knowing who they’re for and what issues they’re […]

Product Management lessons from real life product manager

Ever wondered what keeps the product managers so ‘busy’? So busy that every meeting with them leaves you exposed to constant whining about their compromised sleep schedules. Add to that, water cooler conversations with them are just no fun. Incredibly, they never seemed to have watched last night’s game and are definitely languishing far behind […]